-  HTML  --  Search Notepad++ --> Open Notepad++ --> file -> new ->  then type the code

Definition List

This list formed by a group of definitions and their descriptions. No bullet symbol or number is

provided for the list item. The <DL> tag is enclosing the definition list. It is a container tag. The <DT> tag

contains the definition term. It is an empty tag. The <DD> tag contains the description. It is an empty tag.

<html><head><title>Definition List





<dd>electronic cheque that can be

transferred in digital form


<dd>Digital cash that can be transferred in

electronic form

<dt>Smart Card

<dd>Electronic Card that can store

customer information


</body> </html>

Inserting Comments

Comments are sections that are not displayed in the browser window. Comments are embedded in

between < ! - - and - - > symbols. Comments are used to give explanatory notes in an HTML code.

Navigation Links using anchor Tag

HTML provides the hyperlinks. <A> tag is used to provide hyperlink. It is called anchor tag. HREF

is the main attribute of this tag. It means hyper reference. Its value is a URL or any web page that stored in

the local system. It is a container tag.

Eg:- <A HREF = “www.gemseducatioon.org\courses.html”> GEMS </A>

Email links also can be inserted using anchor tag.

Eg:- <A HREF = “pkandoubleos@gmail.com”> mail to me </A>

We can add image link also.

Eg:- <a href="E:\My Pictures\sunset.jpg">click here</a>to show picture

click me

19 - sep -2023

Internal and External Links


<head><title>Internal Link </title>.



<h2><a name="top">Introduction</a></h2>




<h2><a name="NIC Trivandram">NIC TVM</a></h2>







<a href="#top">Go top</a><br>

<a href="#NIC Trivandram">NIC TVM</a>


<html><head><title>Frameset Page </title>.


<h2>Left Frame</h2>


Frame & Frameset

And save as page1.html

<html><head><title>Frameset Page </title>



<h2>Right Frame</h2>



And save as page2.html


<head><title>Frameset Page



<frameset cols="40%,*">

<frame src="E:\my


<frame src="E:\my




And save as frameset.html

20th - Sep - 2023



Page </title></head><body><h2>Left Frame</h2></body></html>

And save as E:\my webpages\leftframe.html

<html><head><title>Frameset Page </title></head><body><h2>Right Frame 1</h2></body></html>

And save as E:\my webpages\rightframe1.html

<html><head><title>Frameset Page </title></head><body><h2>Right Frame 2</h2></body></html>

And save as E:\my webpages\rightframe2.html

<html><head><title>Frameset Page </title></head><body><h2>Right Frame 3</h2></body></html>

And save as E:\my webpages\rightframe3.html

Then we create frameset window and save as frameset.html


<head><title>Frameset Page



<frameset cols="30%,*">

<frame src="E:\my




<frame src="E:\my


<frame src="E:\my


<frame src="E:\my




21- sep 2023

HTML Form controls

The <form> tag provides the container for creating a form. It is an container tag.

The <input> tag

The <input> tag is used to create a number input controls such as textbox, passwordbox, checkbox,

radio button, submit button, reset button, etc. the type attribute determines the type of the control.

1. text:- create a textbox and can be used for accepting character input. <input type = “text”>

2. password:-create a password box.eg:- <input type = “password”>

3. checkbox:-for accepting yes/no input from the user. eg:- <input type = “checkbox”>

4. radio:-create a radio button control at a time only one can select. eg:- <input type = “radio”>

5. reset:-to reset the inputs entered in the form to empty or initial value. eg:- <input type = “reset”>

6. submit:-provided for the submission of the form inputs to the server. Eg:- <input type = “submit”>

The <label> tag

It is a container tag and provides a label for the form control the label is shown near the control in

order to indicate the expected input. The for attributes connect the label with the input control.

Eg:- <label for=”fname”> Student Name </label> <input type=”text” id=”fname”>

Provides a label for the textbox control to input name. the id of <input> tag is given as value to the for

attribute of <label>tag.

The <textarea> tag

It is a container tag that allows multiple line text input. The <textarea> and </textarea> tags creates

the textarea control. The name attribute gives a name for the control. The cols attribute specifies the width

and rows attribute specifies the height of the textarea control.

Eg:- <textarea cols=20 rowa=5> Type the Address </textarea>

The Select Box Control

It is a drop down list box control. The <select> and <option> tag are the main tag is used in select

box. The <select> tag is a container tag and the <option> tag is an empty tag. The main attributes of

<select> tag are name and size. The name attribute specifies a name for the control. Size determines the

number of visible items in the select box. The attribute selected is to set the option as default item in the




        <title>css Test</title>
            .App {
                    text-align: center;
        <div class="App">

External Style Sheet

Internal Style Sheet


<html> <head> <title>Form in HTML</title> </head>


<h2>Registration form</h2>


<fieldset> <legend>User personal information</legend>

<label>Enter your full name</label><br> <input type="text" name="name"><br>

<label>Enter your email</label><br> <input type="email" name="email"><br>

<label>Enter your password</label><br> <input type="password" name="pass"><br>

<label>confirm your password</label><br> <input type="password" name="pass"><br

<label>Enter your gender</label><br>

<input type="radio" id="gender" name="gender" value="male"/>Male <br>

<input type="radio" id="gender" name="gender" value="female"/>Female <br/>

<input type="radio" id="gender" name="gender" value="others"/>others <br/>

<br>Enter your Address:<br> <textarea></textarea><br>

<input type="submit" value="sign-up"> </fieldset>



